I can't tell you how many plastic storage units from Walmart I've gone through. It's true that each time they get larger and larger. So on Thursday, after becoming quite frustrated with my storage unit and how flimsy it is, I was determined to acquire a new unit that is more sturdy.
Ya know what I mean - when you continue to use a plastic drawer and want to place items on the top, it begins to sink down and inhibit the drawer from pulling out smoothly. Drives me wacky, I tell you!
So I knew that Walmart had a set of drawers - the best way I can describe the material is a very sturdy cardboard. It is a huge improvement from the plastic, as the new drawers hold plenty of items on top without sinking down into the drawers. Interestingly enough, I could not find the same items or anything like it at Target, TJ Maxx, and I was planning to look at Bed Bath and Beyond, but forgot. Ah well - Walmart is closer! ;)
Okay, enough chit chat and on to the units!

Currently my makeup is being stored on my dresser, as this is the only vacant counter space I have at the moment.

The glass vase I got at Jo-Ann's Fabric and Crafts, as well as the tiny beads. I bought 2 bags of the beads and put 1 full bag and then half of the other into the vase (in case you were wondering!). I really love it to hold my eye brushes, but the vase started getting cramped, so the Saturday before Christmas my sister in law invited me to go shopping with her.
We ended up going to TJ Maxx (at my request!) and I found the cute little "lazy susan" type storage item. I find it perfect to hold my larger brushes as well as items I use daily (i.e. Flowerbomb perfume roller, eyeliners, brush guards, etc).
In the spray bottle is my MAC brush cleaner - I got the spray bottle at Sally's on Thursday.

This is just to give you an idea of how much can fit in the drawers and the size comparison.

I got the item on top of the drawer at Walmart as well [sometimes I like things to match ;)]. I think it's perfect to store my MAC palettes, as well as my other 2 spray bottles (Alcohol in one, water in the other).
Behind that I'm keeping a clear cup to hold my cotton pads, makeup remover, toner, and Fix +.
My favorite thing about this setup? The storage drawers do not sink under the weight of the things on top - no matter how much I put on top of them! :)
This was just to show how I store my makeup, of course in no way to show off in any way or brag (had to get that out of the way) :)
Thank you so much for stopping by, and I want to say a delayed thank you to everyone who has chosen to follow my blog. It means the world to me, and I appreciate it so much! I love the interaction and feedback - so keep it coming! ^_^